Monday, March 3, 2014

Updating...... albeit later than sooner

Hi everyone, Mary asked if I can assist and add to her original blog. Since I am not lost for words, but use them often, at times too much, I agreed. The picture is Simon with his Chicago Bears Bear and Football signed by Charles (Peanut) Tillman, a great friend of Pediatric Oncology.

I am trying to understand blogging and as such will be attempting to add pictures as well as script and information for all.

In the past few months Simon has been "cancer free", that is clinically in remission. The ability to attend school is now a daily chore for Simon and he has completed a short 4 months of leg casts to correct a few walking issues. He now wears prosthetic formed braces and gym shoes, and he is able to motor quite well.

Simon was able to qualify for Hearing assistance as he was impacted by Chemotherapy ( Carboplatin) and suffered a slight hearing diminished as a specific range. The hearing aides are also fitted with FM transmitting so his teacher can use in class. We had a few tests done and recently a more complicated test that has proed that his loss is stable and not as drastic as we thought.

Don't tell Simon tho as he may try to feign the " Huh" don't hear you stuff. LOL
A few fall outs for the short term: Potty training starting anew, and speaking is sometime hard for him.
He is such a warrior though, he is so cool when we ask him to repeat, and he rarely gets frustrated.
G Tube is still needed , but he is making progress with Eating PT and we are seeing some interest, specifically when he is in a social grouping. ( We set a plate for him at every meal and sometimes he just pushes the food around, but at least that is good , for now)

I am not sure how much to share at a sitting, so I will try to use a 3 and out rule??
So status: Cancer Free , In School and walking , talking and sometimes "eating"
Not Bad for a Si Fi Guy. Until later .......

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Little History:

Simons story started on March 11, 2011,

Our family was turned on it's head that day. Simon had been having some headaches and sleep disturbance for about a month and I fought with myself as a mother as to should I or shouldn't I take him to the pediatrician.

I had just switched our pediatrician and made an appointment for Friday. On Thursday Simon came home from pre-school with a stiff neck. Friday morning he woke up and could not walk straight.
I was so panicked inside I wanted to throw up.

So our appointment came and we were admitted immediately. That was about 10 am by 8pm after MRI I had the results.

Simon had a tumor in his brain as well as along his entire spinal cord. After much crying and trying to put on some kind of straight face.

The Docs came and Simon was in surgery by midnight to try to remove the part of tumor that was compressing his spinal cord.